The Small Business Office develops and implements programs that assist small businesses, small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, women-owned small businesses, and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses to obtain procurement opportunities with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Provides leadership, direction, and oversight to the FAA in establishing and executing the agency’s policy and program governing the utilization of small business and women-owned business in the FAA’s acquisition process. Establishes annual FAA-wide small business development program goals, mechanisms for monitoring/evaluating goal accomplishment, and program effectiveness.
One of the most valuable tools the FAA has in meeting it's commitment to expanding procurement opportunities for small businesses is the Federal procurement goaling process. Congress, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, and the FAA set goals for the inclusion of small business in Federal agency’s procurements to promote small business development and ensure good Corporate Citizenship by those who dispense Federal dollars for the good of the nation and the small business community.
About the MMAC
The Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, provides critical products and services that touch all aspects of aviation. The MMAC mission is to directly support the safe and efficient operations of our national and international aviation system and provide competitive business solutions for customers. Please navigate to the About MMAC webpage, or watch the following introductory video, to familiarize yourself with the MMAC and the support services this regional office provides.
About The WJHTC
The FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC) is the nation's premier air transportation system laboratory. The Technical Center's highly technical and diverse workforce conducts test and evaluation, verification and validation, and sustainment of the FAA's full spectrum of aviation systems, and develops scientific solutions to current and future air transportation safety challenges by conducting applied research and development.
Service Area Acquisitions
The Small Business Advocates assists the Regional Contracting staff with acquisition strategies that support air traffic facilities and FAA regional offices. There are two major branches-Construction and Services and the contracting staff are located in the three regional service centers (Atlanta, Fort Worth, Seattle) as well as other regional offices (New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles). Acquisitions range from supplies and equipment to services and construction, including new facility construction (e.g., Towers/TRACONS), facility modernization construction, and facility maintenance.
Please contact your nearest advocate of capabilities briefing in the Service Areas listed. For a list of advocates, regions and POC information, please check out the SBO Team.