The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced initial steps toward launching the Aviation Manufacturing Job Protection (AMJP) program and is encouraging small businesses who may be eligible for funding under this program to begin preparing for the application process.
The AMJP program, created under the American Rescue Plan, will provide funding to eligible businesses to pay up to half of their compensation costs for certain categories of employees, for up to six months. In return, the business is required to make several commitments, including a commitment that it will not involuntarily furlough or lay off employees within that group during the same period. The maximum amount available for this program is $3 billion, one percent of which will be applied to program administration.
DOT estimates that thousands of businesses that meet the statutory criteria may be eligible to receive funding through this program. The eligibility criteria include businesses that are actively engaged in aircraft manufacturing, maintenance, and repair. DOT is also taking steps to help ensure that small, socioeconomically disadvantaged businesses (including those in underserved communities) receive timely information about this assistance.
While the official application process has not yet begun, there are several steps that businesses who may be interested in applying for this program should take now:
- Become familiar with all of the requirements in the law;
- Apply for a DUNS number if you do not already have one;
- Register online with the Federal government’s SAM if you have not already done so; and
- Monitor the AMJP program website frequently for updates, which will include Frequently Asked Questions and a link to the application system.
Any entity that does business with the Federal government needs to have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, and be registered in the Federal government’s System of Award Management (SAM).
Please note: obtaining a DUNS number and registering with SAM take time. Any business seeking funding under the AMJP program is strongly encouraged to begin these steps as soon as possible. These steps must be completed before submitting an application for the AMJP program.
DOT has published a Federal Register notice describing the data that it anticipates collecting in order to implement this new program. DOT will publish more detailed instructions when the official AMJP program application process begins.
Businesses with questions regarding the program should contact Alexus Jenkins-Reid at (202) 366-4594, or via email at
For additional information regarding the DOT AMJP program you may navigate to the DOT website to read the DOT AMJP Press Release, as well as the DOT’s AMJP Program webpage.