Instructions: Select one or more criteria to search on, then click the SEARCH button. Search Type: Mentor Protégé Both Mentor Name: - ANY Mentor - A3 TECHNOLOGY INC. ACCENTURE FEDERAL SERVICES, LLC ADVANCED MGMT. TECHNOLOGY, INC. /TETRA TECH AMT AECOM BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON CATAMOUNT CONSTRUCTORS, INC. DIGITALIBIZ, INC (IBIZ) E-CORP ENROUTE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS (ECS) HUMAN SOLUTIONS INC. (HIS) LS TECHNOLOGIES, LLC MCKEAN DEFENSE GROUP OASIS SYSTEMS, LLC PERSPECTA ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS, LLC SAIC SECURITY SOLUTIONS TECHNOLOGY TANTUS TECHNOLOGIES TELEPHONICS THE MATTHEWS GROUP, INC. (TMG CORPORATION) THE WHITESTONE GROUP CTRL+Click to select or deselect multiple Mentors. Protégé Name: - ANY Protege - AHTNA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGIES, LLC ANTENNA ASSOCIATES APPLIED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS (ATS) ATISPACE BERING STRAITS CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS, LLC (BSCS) COBEC CONSULTING, INC CONDOR SECURITY OF AMERICA, INC. CUBE ROOT CORPORATION (CUBE ROOT) EAGLE TG, LLC ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC.(EIT) EVOTECH, LLC FOXHOLE TECHNOLOGY GOLDMAN EDWARDS, INC. GUARDIAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. I360TECHNOLOGIES, INC. INDEV, LLC INTEGRISYS, LLC MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES OBJECTIVE AREA SOLUTIONS, LLC OBJECTSTREAM, INC. OCH TECHNOLOGIES, LLC P17 SOLUTIONS, LLC PUYENPA CONSTRUCTION LLC RED MOUNTAINS CONTRACTORS, LLC REGULUS GROUP SWAIN TECHS SYSTEMS ENGINUITY VALOR TECHNOLOGIES, LLC CTRL+Click to select or deselect multiple proteges. State: - ANY STATE - AK Alaska AL Alabama AR Arkansas AS American Samoa AZ Arizona CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DC District of Columbia DE Delaware FL Florida GA Georgia GU Guam HI Hawaii IA Iowa ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana MA Massachusetts MD Maryland ME Maine MI Michigan MN Minnesota MO Missouri MS Mississippi MT Montana NC North Carolina ND North Dakota NE Nebraska NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NV Nevada NY New York OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania PR Puerto Rico RI Rhode Island rM RM SC South Carolina SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VA Virginia VI Virgin Islands VT Vermont WA Washington WI Wisconsin WV West Virginia WY Wyoming CTRL+Click to select or deselect multiple States. NAIC Series: Click here for more info - ANY NAIC SERIES - 11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 21 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 22 Utilities 23 Construction 31-33 Manufacturing 42 Wholesale Trade 44-45 Retail Trade 48-49 Transportation 51 Information 52 Finance and Insurance 53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 55 Management of Companies and Enterprises 56 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 61 Educational Services 62 Health Care and Social Assistance 71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 72 Accommodation and Food Services 81 Other Services (except Public Administration) 92 Public Administration CTRL+Click to select or deselect multiple Series. NAIC Codes: Click here for more info If you are searching for specific NAIC codes then type them here, separated by commas. Doing Business with the FAA Procurement Forecasts Contract Opportunities FAA Active Contracts Doing Business with the FAA as a Small Business Mentor Protégé Program Mentor Protégé Search How to Resolve an Acquisition Dispute Aviation Research Grants Strategic Sourcing Vehicles Purchase Cards